Beetroot is amazing. It is a great detox for the liver, which in turn gives you healthy blood. It is a fundamental ingredient in Himalayan Long Life Botanicals Super Superfood Reds (22.5% by volume). Beetroot has resveratrol, and has a good reputation for anti aging properties.
Immediately below is an article in Superfood Evolution. Read it all on the link.
Further below is an excerpt from the above article. We recommend you read it all however via the link above.
What are the benefits of beet juice?
Many people are familiar with the red beetroot, but did you know that this common produce market vegetable contains some pretty potent nutritional components you might not know about?
The beetroot is a "superfood veggie" very beneficial for lowering blood pressure, increasing athletic performance, purifying the bloodstream, improving cardiovascular health and reducing inflammation in the body.
You can eat raw beets and there is also some nutrition in cooked beets, but it's actually the raw pressed beetroot juice (the extracted juiced liquid) that produces the greatest health enhancing effects.
When vegetables are juiced they are 10 times more nutrient-rich because their nutritive compounds are highly concentrated.
As a result, this bright red juice contains substantial amounts of antioxidants, naturally occurring nitrates, betaine and iron, all super healthy ingredients that beets are particularly high in.
Historically, beetroot was used as a folklore remedy for variety of conditions, including ulcers, anemia, hemorrhoids, bad breath, eye disorders and was known for its colon cleansing properties.
The Benefits of Beet Juice
Beets and the Blood, Helps to Lower Blood Pressure
There is no food closer to the color of the blood than the juice of a beet! And, as it turns out, beets are an exceptionally great food for a healthy bloodstream.
According to a study published in the journal Current Hypertension Reports, dietary nitrate, in the form of beetroot juice "offers a potentially cheap and effective way to help reduce blood pressure in hypertensives."
In other research, participants who consumed a daily cup of beet juice experienced an average 10-point decrease in their blood pressure levels over a 24 hour period. This sparked the new phrase in health headlines, "A cup of beet juice a day keeps the doctor away."
High blood pressure, directly linked to cardiovascular disease and strokes, affects more than 77 million adults in the U.S. The benefits of beet juice and its nitrate content could be an easy dietary adjunct for many Americans.

When some people hear the word "nitrate" they think of the chemical preservative "sodium nitrate", a known carcinogen, often found in hot dogs, bacon or lunch meat. Beets are naturally high in nitrates; however, these substances are quite different than synthetic nitrates. They are plant-based elements that have favorable, rather than harmful effects, when ingested.
In fact, the phyto-nitrates in beetroot juice when consumed are one of the known benefits of beet juice that plays a significant role in reducing and maintaining blood pressure levels.
Your body converts nitrate into nitric oxide in the blood which helps to "open up" the blood vessels and normalize blood flow.
There are other dietary nitrate-rich foods to consider as well as beet juice. Dietary nitrates are also abundant in green leafy vegetables, so you want to juice your beet greens as well as the root. In fact, mixing your green juicing veggies with beets is a great way to cut the sometimes intensely sweet, rooty flavor of the red "sugar" beet. As we mentioned, for maximum benefits and therapeutic use it is best to drink the juice rather than simply eat the beet itself. You simply get more concentrated phytonutrients that can help to reduce hypertension and its related conditions.
We advocate the use of beetroot juice to achieve this goal, along with a health promoting diet and exercise regimen. Beet juice often has an energizing effect on the body which may be helpful to get yourself to the gym or motivated to do a light cardio workout.

Purifies Blood, Detoxifies Liver
One of the major benefits of beet juice is that it contains the mentioned group of powerful antioxidant pigments called betalains. These are components that help to boost the immune system, but also act as anti-inflammatory's, antifungal's and detoxification aids.
The betalains in raw beet juice are one of the best blood purifiers; cleansing to the bloodstream and helping the liver do its job more effectively. We recommend juicing beets during a yearly or bi-yearly juice cleanse or juice fast to help detoxify and rebuild healthy blood cells.
We are all exposed to toxins in our everyday environment, the benefits of beet juice can greatly assist in the process of detoxification from harmful pollutants, heavy metals and chemicals in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink.
Beetroot juice, along with schizandra and milk thistle seed, can be especially supportive for those with hepatitis or stagnation in the liver organ.
NOTE 1: Super Superfood Reds has 22.25% of beetroot powder by volume and 3.5% by volume in Super Superfood Gold.
NOTE 2: While these above are amazing reports, if you are ill, please go to a physician. If on the other hand, you want good health by a cross selection of good nutrition, with an associated long life, our super superfoods are available for you.
More references and articles:
Physiological Effects of Beetroot in Athletes and Patients. Olsson H, Al-Saadi J, Oehler D, Pergolizzi J Jr, Magnusson P.Cureus. 2019 Dec 11;11(12):e6355. doi: 10.7759/cureus.6355. Review. PMID: 31938641 Free PMC Article Similar articles
Select item 319366212. Does Acute Beetroot Juice Supplementation Improve Neuromuscular Performance and Match Activity in Young Basketball Players? A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. López-Samanes Á, Gómez Parra A, Moreno-Pérez V, Courel-Ibáñez J.Nutrients. 2020 Jan 9;12(1). pii: E188. doi: 10.3390/nu12010188. PMID: 31936621 Free PMC Article Similar articles
Select item 318179193. A Narrative Review on the Potential of Red Beetroot as an Adjuvant Strategy to Counter Fatigue in Children with Cancer. Swartz MC, Allen K, Deer RR, Lyons EJ, Swartz MD, Clifford T.Nutrients. 2019 Dec 7;11(12). pii: E3003. doi: 10.3390/nu11123003. Review. PMID: 31817919 Free PMC Article Similar articles
Select item 317041984. Nutraceuticals in Patients With Heart Failure: A Systematic Review. Hopper I, Connell C, Briffa T, De Pasquale CG, Driscoll A, Kistler PM, Macdonald PS, Sindone A, Thomas L, Atherton JJ.J Card Fail. 2020 Feb;26(2):166-179. doi: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2019.10.014. Epub 2019 Nov 5. Review. PMID: 31704198 Similar articles
Select item 315999285. Inorganic nitrate and nitrite supplementation fails to improve skeletal muscle mitochondrial efficiency in mice and humans. Ntessalen M, Procter NEK, Schwarz K, Loudon BL, Minnion M, Fernandez BO, Vassiliou VS, Vauzour D, Madhani M, Constantin-Teodosiu D, Horowitz JD, Feelisch M, Dawson D, Crichton PG, Frenneaux MP.Am J Clin Nutr. 2020 Jan 1;111(1):79-89. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz245. PMID: 31599928 Free PMC Article Similar articles
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Select item 313366337. Acute Supplementation with Nitrate-Rich Beetroot Juice Causes a Greater Increase in Plasma Nitrite and Reduction in Blood Pressure of Older Compared to Younger Adults. Stanaway L, Rutherfurd-Markwick K, Page R, Wong M, Jirangrat W, Teh KH, Ali A.Nutrients. 2019 Jul 22;11(7). pii: E1683. doi: 10.3390/nu11071683. PMID: 31336633 Free PMC Article Similar articles
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